Private Suites
Whether you need an executive office for a day, week, month or year, the HUDSON INNOVATION CENTER is a great choice.
Collaboration Area
Whether you want the world's best coffee or a cold beer. Enhance your productivity and entertainment for your customers at our coffee bar.
Conference Rooms
Our event rooms and meeting areas are places to hand out awards or introduce your products and services to your customers.
We're known as a great place to do business and meet new people. Both millennials and top level executives love us. We are their number one choice for developing new business opportunities.
We offer administrative & IT support, business coaching & mentoring. If your business needs extra assistance, we offer our 12-step business development program.
Over the years our team has won distinctions in sales & marketing, software development and innovative business solutions that will make your stay with us an awesome experience.

Next Steps...
Grab your private SUITE for your team, before they are all gone.